Coding in Paradise:
JavaScript SQL Database w/ Permanent Storage - From Idea to Reality in 24 Hours
In an earlier post, Brad Neuberg had proposed what I thought was a great idea as well - a SQL-like interface to a Javascript datastore "database". Apparently, some people really thought it was, at least according to this new post on Coding in Paradise.

Holy cow, Cory Rauch is a god. He saw my post last night - This morning I came into the office and saw an email from Cory that he had implemented a prototype of that overnight. Wow; I'm impressed. Good work :)

He even wrote good documentation.

All I have to say is "wow" - this is a really cool bit of code, and seeing it brought to life so quickly really says wonderful things about the power of the open source movement. Take one developer's project that's just been launched, take another that's been around for a while but never really found a niche and an instant star is born...

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